Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Day 12 - No Mouth Boy

Today was going to be a busy day for us, since we now have all three year groups one after the other today, but we were looking forward to it as the students really do seem to be enjoying it.
We had year nines to start off with first as Felicity gave us an extra class with them at 10:50. We decided to get started with writing their short stories today as they successful made their characters yesterday and we made a list of 10 prompts the night before. We put up a table with all their characters up on the board and then we put up all the prompts, we read them out and told them to pick a prompt and start writing a short story, and if they wanted to use more than one character, it might be fun if they used other characters that their classmates came up with, and that they could work alone, or as part of a group, it was up to them. After a few minutes of chatting, they all got into their writing, occasionally putting up their hand to ask a question.
As they done this, Jass and I made a list of short writing exercises that we'd like to do with them next class.
By the end of the class, each group/student successfully wrote their own story. We collected them all up so we could read and type them up.

We saw on the time table that there was a break between classes now, so Jass and I planned to go to the cafe for some food as we didn't have much breakfast and we were really hungry, but, it was only when we were halfway there that we realised it was only a twenty minutes break and not an hour, so unfortunately, we went back to the school where we sat in the canteen and munched on some bread rolls as we chatted with some teachers before heading off to teach the year sevens.

Laura asked if she could do some games with them to start the class, Jass and I had a lot of work to do with them, but we assumed they wouldn't take long so we said yeah.
Laura got us to play a psychologist game with them, where they had to think of ailments and then the "psychologist" had to guess what it was.
Once the games we were, Jass and I started class. We done the same as with the year nines, we put their characters and the prompts up and let them get started on writing. They once again, chatted for a while, but, eventually got started, some groups decided to just continue on with their character as they didn't get to finish them. Due to only having half the class to write, none of the group's got their story finished, it was fine though as Jass and I planned to give them the next class to finish off.

We finally had our first class with the year eights next, but, unfortunately, the projector in their classroom didn't work, so we couldn't do our presentation, so instead we just got straight in and wrote up the thirteen character traits on the board along with the couple of things to write about for their characters,  and we let them start. Their was a lot of chatting and messing, but, eventually, they all came up with characters by the end of class. Their was definitely some interesting ones, and some with a huge backstory and everything. One of the most interesting ones though was a boy who had no mouth but yet was great at talking to girls??
We collected up all their characters so we could type them up and give them back the next class.

Before heading home, Jass and I went to the office so we could print off the list of prompts for each group as once again, we won't have the projector tomorrow.

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