Friday 1 June 2018

Bulls running through Alpedrete - no Niamh didn't go on a jog.

Saturday the 19th of May.

Today was the start of the four day festival in Alpedrete. The main event of the day was the bulls running through the town, and Niamh and I made sure to be front and center. Walking down, there were fake bulls being pushed around on wheels, the people pushing them squirting water at kids and any passer by. One of them aimed and us, and Niamh got soaked by the squirt gun embedded in the bull's head.We found the street the bulls were running down, and planted ourselves at the large fence built for spectator safety. I tried to get a better look by standing up on the fence, but as I lifted myself up I managed to successfully smack my head off a metal basket that an official was standing in.
    Mildly concussed, I stood back down on the ground and watched as the man taking part in the bull running's crouched on the road and prayed before they were let out of the gate.
    They ran up and down the road several times before being closed off in the arena. Niamh and I went to the packed arena where members of the public were invited to fight the bull. We watched as a huge group of men teased the bull and jumped out of the way as it darted for them. The men jumped over the barriers to avoid the bull, and honestly I wouldn't have minded to catch a few of them in my arms.

     It started lashing down, so Niamh and I waited for it to die down a little before going into the shop to get a few things, namely a few bottles of vanilla and strawberry milk, and some vodka for my pre-birthday celebrations. We know how to be responsible adults.
    Walking back to our apartment we came across a fireworks display, although from where we were standing it looked more like gunfire in a big cloud of smoke. We made it back to our apartment without too much smoke inhalation. We sat around for a couple of hours, me falling asleep on the couch (delayed reaction to hitting my head probably) and headed back out to the arena to watch the professional bull fighting.
    The arena wasn't as full as it was earlier on, but enough people turned out to see several men dressed in rather spiffy spandex and shirts run and dodge a bull for a couple of hours. It was fun to watch, and during the interval they invited kids to come down into the ring and run from a fake bull being pushed by one of the matadors. One of the kids gave it socks, doing poses in'all when he dodged it, but another kid just let it come and hit her, which pretty much sums up my motivational effort when deadlines are approaching.


The bull fights ended and we left the arena, getting a great video of a bull running up the street.

Classes with all year groups

18th May, Friday.

Yesterday, the only class that we were scheduled to teach was year 7. We went through the PowerPoint with them, just as we have with the other years, however, of course we tweaked it in places to fit with their genre, which is Comedy. Their character for the descriptive exercise was a clown, and their setting was a KFC.

Today, we were scheduled to teach Year 8, 7 and 9, in that order.

Year 8 began to write their stories during their class, myself and Jake there to help them if they needed it.

For class with year 7, we brought in all of the pictures that we had gathered from the quest that they sent us on. They were extremely enthusiastic with this. My group were verbally making up stories with the pictures, before I had even explained fully what they were to do with them. I allowed them to have some fun, passing around the pictures and making stories with them, before I got them to settle down and create their character. Their character was named Dora. She had green and purple hair, and liked apples.

Year 9 were supposed to have three paragraphs of their stories written by today, but regardless of whether they did this or not, their class today was spent either starting their stories, or continuing them. Again, myself and Jake were there to help if needed.

Later on that night, myself and Jake wandered over to a bar that Louisa, the usual teacher of our year 9 class on Fridays, recommended. We found cute bartender the second, and ended our night watching the animated version of Beauty and the Beast. Such good adults.